If you live with muscle or joint pain, you know that even the most minor of tasks can be a challenge. Your body just can’t do the things it used to do. Whether it’s back pain, arthritis, or some other kind of pain, naturopathic medicine can help alleviate your pain so you can get back to doing the things you love!
What causes muscle or joint pain?
Pain is is an uncomfortable or disturbing sensation that can be caused by injury or illness. Sometimes pain is sharp and shooting, other times it’s dull and achy, and the type of pain you have can tell a lot about what’s causing it. Unless you’ve experienced a recent injury, most muscle pain is dull and achy, and if you have had a recent injury,  then the pain is probably sharp and stabbing. Joint pain from arthritis often has a rusty sensation, and your joints might swell and turn red.
Naturopathic medicine can help whatever kind of pain you have, and the treatment depends on what’s causing it for you!
Back pain
We all know someone who has back pain, and we know how limiting that pain can be. Chances are you’ve heard that person complain about it. Days get spent being unable to get off the couch or out of bed and are a significant damper on your quality of life.
There are several muscles in your low back that help stabilize your spine and pelvis, and any one of them can spasm and cause you pain; it’s common for people with high stress levels to have higher levels of back pain due to tension in these muscles. There are also joints running all up and down your spine, and any one of them can be a source of pain if it becomes inflamed, if there is joint degeneration, arthritis, or if the joints themselves fall out of alignment.
Even if your back pain is mild or moderate, and you’re not missing work from it, naturopathy can help get you pain free. We can use natural therapies like supplementation’s and acupuncture so that you don’t have to take drugs that leave you feeling drowsy and exhausted.
Shoulder pain
Shoulder pain can significantly impact your ability to perform even the simplest of tasks. Rotator cuff injuries and frozen shoulder can leave you unable to carry your groceries or pick up your kids. It might leave you off work until you can lift your tools again, and even if days off work are sometimes a bonus, missing out on life is no fun.
Whether you have osteoarthritis (caused by repetitive movements, old injuries, and aging) or rheumatoid arthritis (a painful autoimmune conditions that affects many joints at the same time), there are plenty of natural therapies that can help decrease the medications you’re taking, reduce your pain, and get you back to moving freely. Diet plays a surprisingly large role in how your joints feel, and we can assess what you’re eating to make sure your joints are healthy and pain free.
Sprains and strains
Naturopathic medicine isn’t just for chronic conditions. If you’ve recently experienced a sprain or strain, the quicker we treat it the quicker you’ll get better. Acupuncture, supplements, and short-term dietary adjustments can all help speed up your healing process, getting you back in the game.
Kinks, sprains, strains, shoulder, back or arthritis pain, find out about naturopathic help! Call and book an appointment now!